Tuesday 2 September 2008

Download Dictators mp3


Artist: Dictators: mp3 download


Rock: Punk-Rock



The Dictators Go Girl Crazy

 The Dictators Go Girl Crazy


Tracks: 9

Formed in 1974, N.Y.C.'s Dictators were one of the finest and well-nigh influential proto-punk bands to walk the earth. Alternately reveling in and satirizing the wanton excesses of a rock-and-roll & roll life style and philistine culture (e.g., wrestling, TV, fast food), the Dictators, whose worldview was outlined by bassist/keyboardist and former fanzine publishing firm (Adolescent Wasteland Gazette) Andy (on affair Adny) Shernoff and rat terrier rock critic/theorist Richard Meltzer, played photoflash, quick rock candy & hustle fueled by a love of '60s American garage john Rock, British Invasion pop, and the sonic onset of the Who. Driven by the guitar bombardment of Scott "Top Ten" Kempner and Ross "the Boss" Funichello and fronted by indefatigable ex-roadie and wrestler Handsome Dick Manitoba (aka Richard Blum), it seemed that goose egg stood in the way of the Dictators and mega-popularity. But that's not what happened. There were complications with record companies, force changes (old bassist Mark Mendoza left field for Twisted Sister; original drummer Stu Boy King was replaced by Richie Teeter), radio detested them, critical response was tepid, and wads of audiences didn't come the jokes; supporters remained loyal and clamorous (specially Meltzer), but it didn't turn into anything real. Ironically, what didn't serve at all was the rise up of the New York hood scene, which only amused tending away from them and onto bands they influenced (e.g., the Ramones). They did wangle to release threesome fine albums, only after 1978's Bloodbrothers was greeted with populace apathy, the group's members began moving in different directions. Kempner arrange unitedly the Del-Lords and the Little Kings and recorded as a solo do work. Ross the Boss fatigued a few age in the goofy, macho weighed down metallic element ring Manowar and by and by united Shernoff and Manitoba in the punk/metal jazz band Manitoba's Wild Kingdom. And Shernoff worked as a producer. However, as Shernoff arrange it, "the Dictators never skint up. Sure thither were occasional gaps of a few geezerhood 'tween some shows (we had lives to lead) but deep in our black Maria and souls we always knew we were Dictators. We couldn't escape it regular when we time-tested." With this in head, the lap got together to play a fistful of shows in 1980, one of which was recorded for the cassette-only album Fuck 'Em If They Can't Take A Joke, which was later on reissued as New York, New York. The band hit the road once more in 1991, and began drift out on a semi-regular basis subsequently that. In 2001, the Dictators made their derelict retirement prescribed and recorded a new album, D.F.F.D., which graded with the band's finest work in the studio apartment. More touring followed, and a live record album recorded at two shows in support of D.F.F.D., Viva Dictators!, came out in 2005.

Saturday 23 August 2008

Significant Long Term Benefit For Low Back Pain Revealed By Major Study


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Chronic pain is nuisance that continues past the normal healing time for an injury. Learn about the causes and flow treatment options, from NSAIDs to opioids, for inveterate pain...

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Chronic pain can affect a person 24 hours a day. What causes chronic pain? And how can you get some relief...

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Wednesday 13 August 2008

REVIEW: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (PG-13)

It�s rare that estimable movies fall in threes. Sure, it�s the magic number, and there ar always a few exceptions (The Godfather, Lord of the Rings), but loosely, the films get worsened as the franchise wears on.� The beginning two instalments of the Mummy 'trilogy' were merriment, witty (in places) and packed a strong enough punch to hold their own against rival action-adventures.� But it seems as the franchise ages, the more important action becomes over content.

The plot of The Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is simple; it�s the Scorpion King, but set in China.� An evil emperor (Jet Li) wants office over the whole world, but is thwarted and encased in a grave for all eternity.� But - surprise, surprisal - he�s set release and the O�Connell�s have to halt him; decidedly a case of seen it all before.

From the consequence we�re introduced to the story of Jet Li�s emperor, to the tremendous final joke that is needlessly spoon-fed to the audience, this film is full of disappointments.� Maria Bello, Rachel Weisz�s replacement, is less sympathetic than the credit cranch.� You could screw in a few hinges, put a letterbox in her stomach, and go by her turned as a front threshold, she�s so wooden.� Luke Ford, a Prince Harry look-a-like, who plays Alex, the youngest of the O�Connell family, entirely misses the �young-Indy� role he was supposed to fill and replaces it with an irritating schoolboy who�s kayoed of his depth, (both in persona and playing ability).� Even the franchise�s reliable comedy beacon, John Hannah as Jonathan, is short of the mark, with terrible one liners and an airwave of annoying desperation.

But in fairness to at least Brendan Fraser and John Hannah, the biggest problem lies with the script.� The writers - including Stephen Sommers, director of the first deuce Mummy films - were so eager to fetch to the action sequences that they completely neglected character interaction.� There is no warmth in scenes between Fraser and Bello, just a few sentences strung together without thought or care.� And just when you think the film can�t get whatsoever worse...the yeti�s turn up.� Yes you read right, The Abominable Snowman makes an appearance to save the clarence Shepard Day Jr. - only sadly not to spare the film.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Rage Against The Machine To Rock Republican National Convention

It's a safe bet that few of the attendees of the forthcoming Republican National Convention (September 1-4) in St. Paul, Minnesota, will take a break from the expected coronation of Senator John McCain as the party's presidential promising to attend a sure show taking place across the river in Minneapolis.

Mainly because the headliners are Rage Against the Machine, who, according to Minneapolis' Star Tribune, will bring their

Somerset, Artistic nab documentaries

Topical indies headed to theaters, DVD

NEW YORK -- A geminate of topical indie documentaries are header to theaters this fall.

Somerset Films has acquired North American theatrical and DVD rights to the feature "Article VI: Faith, Politics, America," Bryan Hall and Jack Donaldson's interrogation of the titular topics. A September New York, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., curtain raising will be followed by a planned expansion to around 200 markets through November.

Artistic License Films picked up theatrical rights to Pamela Tanner Boll's "Who Does She Think She Is?" a study of five women balancing maternity and prowess careers. An October New York and Los Angeles release is planned, followed by a platform rollout.

Somerset's Dean C. Hale negotiated his deal with Hall and Donaldson for Wiley Rhodes Productions and Living Biography Media. Artistic License's Sande Zeig negotiated her carry on with the film's manager for Mystic Artists.

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Massachusetts Legislature Approves Compromise Bill That Aims To Reduce State Health Care Spending

The Massachusetts Legislature on Thursday reached a compromise to okay sweeping wellness care lawmaking, the Boston Globe reports (Viser, Boston Globe, 8/1). Senate President Therese Murray (D), a key author of the bill, aforesaid the bar was intentional to radical the rising health care costs that threaten the future of the state's health indemnity law (LeBlanc, AP/Boston Globe, 8/1). The bill would:
Establish a commissioning to develop uniform billing and cryptography standards for health care providers and insurers;

Require pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers to disclose to the department of State Department of Public Health all payments and subsidies worth more than $50 made to health concern professionals. The information also would be published on a public Web site;

Establish a statewide goal of adopting electronic health records by 2015 (Boston Globe, 8/1);

Educate health care providers about the benefits of low-cost versions of marque drugs and other lower-cost medical alternatives;

Authorize MassHealth, the state's Medicaid program, to promote basal care;

Expand enrolment at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and incentives for students to go into primary forethought specialties;

Create a loan forgiveness program and other incentives for physicians and nurses to practice in underserved areas (McConville, Boston Herald, 8/1); and

Require hospitals to report all types of hospital-acquired infections and forbid hospitals from charging patients for so-called "never events" (AP/Boston Globe, 8/1).

Gov. Deval Patrick (D) is expected to sign the measure within the week (Boston Herald, 8/1).

Reprinted with kind permission from hypertext transfer protocol://www.kaisernetwork.org. You can view the entire Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for email delivery at hypertext transfer protocol://www.kaisernetwork.

Straight From Da Bedroom

Straight From Da Bedroom   
Artist: Straight From Da Bedroom

Drum & Bass


White Label (SFB001)   
 White Label (SFB001)

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 2


Zion Train